Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week 16: Discussion Question #3

3). Pick one other concept in the book (any chapter) that you feel needs further discussion?

A topic in the book that stood out to me and I felt was an important aspect to book is the four components of listening. The book states "Listening involves four sequential components experienced in rapid succession. We must sense or hear the message, interpret or provide meaning to the message, evaluate the content of the message, and retain and respond to the message in the context of than ongoing communication event." (Harris, 130)

I feel that the four components of listening or essential to having a group work successfully. If you do not follow these four steps there will be failure in a group. I know there have been many situations of small groups that I have experienced a lack of one of these four components and my group had lead to failure. If we choose to avoid any of these concepts it is impossible to have success. Listening is a key component to communication with a small group or with anyone and without these concepts we would always be lead to failure and that is why it is so important to always have in mind these four components, so success can always be achieved.

An example of failure that I have experience was small group at school for an in class assignment. One of the classmates in my group was very narrow-minded and did not want to hear the message that we as a group were relaying to her. She wanted to have things her way and her way only. Now, as a group this made things difficult. In short, She ended up doing the assignment completely wrong because she would not listen to the instruction and ideas of the group. She was not accepting the messages we were giving her and not evaluating the messages correctly. This hurt the group and led us straight to failure because we could not work well together as a group.

Week 16: Discussion Question #2

2). NEW QUESTION: Review the Observation of an Outside Group project. What did you find useful/not useful? Did you like this project? Why/why not? Why did you choose the group you observed for this project? In short, briefly introduce your project to the members of the class, and discuss its usefulness, frustrations, etc.... (I expect for most, that the answer to this question will be quite long - go ahead and make it as long as you'd like).

The group that I chose to observe for this assignment was a group and elementary school teachers and staff. Every week this group gets together and meets to discuss up coming events, status of the students and curriculum, new ideas to improve learning, etc. I was able to observe two of their meetings. While observing this meeting I feel that I saw many things in a group setting that I would have not looked for if I was not given this assignment.

First, I found that having a structure guideline to what exactly we would be writing about in the paper was helpful. I categorized the things that I needed to look for in each meeting. I did not particularly have to use all of the concepts provided because they all did not apply to my specific group. Even though all the concepts did not apply I found that I was able to elaborate on a few concepts more than others. I also found it useful that we had to attend a minimum of two meetings. To be honest I was not looking forward to having to attend two meetings and then when it came to having to do the assignment, having attended two meetings was very helpful because I had more information to write about. As for the things that I did not find useful, I felt that having to apply two outside theories or sources to our group did not help. I actually found that part of the assignment difficult and hard to tie into the assignment. I understand the relevance of it being added to the assignment, but I felt that it was just thrown into my paper and had not use to my paper.

I must say though I did enjoy this assignment. It was fun to interact with others and be able to observe a group. Working in retail I always get to "people watch" and analysis people for short periods of time. But, being able to sit and watch a group for a longer period of time and consider concepts of small group is interesting. I felt that at times some of the situations were exactly like explained in the book. I would have never been looking for those things though if it would not had been assigned. I liked this assignment for one because it gave the opportunity to interact with a group of people and two because it gave me the opportunity to evaluate a group and learn new things about a small group. It is one thing to read out of a book about the interacts of a small group and another to see it. I am a visual learner so I loved this assignment because I was able to apply examples and concepts from the book to what was happening in front of me and this was helpful in remembering things out of the book.

When deciding on a group I struggled. I first thought that I could observe a classroom of children. Then I realized that this would not work because many of the concepts would not apply. Then I considering observing a group at my church, but the problem with this is it is a very large group and it was possible the concepts would also not apply. So then I considered a faculty meeting of teachers. I figured that a group of teachers was diverse enough and they would cover many of the topics that were needed for this assignment. I also wanted to see the thought process and work that goes into these meetings. As most of us know they say that all this money is going into our education system or at least they seem to say that the money given for education is. Anyway, I wanted to see how this money is put in place and what is that we are working on to make schools better. For the amount of money that we pay for school systems it is important to know how the money is being distributed and used.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 16: Discussion Question #1

1). How does CMC differ from f2f communication? (Think outside the box).

When reading the chapter this week it gave many strong ideas to what CMC and FTF are but I think that there is more depth to these ways of communicating. I have always felt that there is a lack of explanation for these two topics. I feel that it is easily defined but not enough examples are given for each. I am a visual learner so maybe this is way I want more explanation.

In my opinion FTF communication is a much more efficient way of communicating. Where as CMC is a text based relationship so there is a lack of emotion and a lot of misunderstanding. FTF communication you are able to express emotion through body position or posture, facial expressions, tone of voice, context of environment, etc. When communicating through text there is a lack of these things and I think at times it can lead to miscommunication or frustration because these are not understood. I feel that technology advances are wonderful and I a frequent user of most up to date technology. But, things like IM and text messaging are a great example of this. There are ways to show emotion over texting by using smiley faces, or exaggerating words but it does not compare to FTF communication. Another thing about texting or IM is that at times there is a delay in the conversation. Where as a FTF conversation would have a start and an end, a continuous conversation. All of these specific things can make it difficult to understand the message because it could be missing personality, voice tone, emotion and this can lead to misunderstanding. A message can be written one way and interpreted a completely different way. I feel that these two concepts are interesting because they are both ways of communicating similarly but are very different as well because they can enhance and lack communication at the same time.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week 14: Discussion Question #3

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading, that we have not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

The concept that stood out to me was avoidance. This is defined as a "strategy entails withdrawing from the conflict."(Harris, 237)
I thought this concept related to me the best. I think that in many situations of conflict I do not want to argue or even make the effort to come up with constructive reasoning, so I find myself jut giving up or withdrawing from the situation all together.

A great example of this was when I was talking to me parents about school and the raise in price of summer school. Now, my parents felt that it was too much money to take summer classes and I was thinking it wasn't the price of the classes. I just want to get the classes over with so I can graduate. In this situation when they started to yell about how much I was paying I just completely avoided the situations and walked away withdrawing myself from the conflict that was arising. I think that in many situations where I do not want to argue I withdraw from the conflict. The only problem with doing this is that the problem seems to arise again and again until it is solved.

Week 13: Discussion Question #2

2). Briefly outline an example of collaborative conflict resolution that you have engaged in. Contrast that with competitive conflict. Which was more satisfying to you? To the other party?

Collaborative conflict and/or consensus are a resolution strategy for any given group or persons, which is a win-win situation. In this particular situation everyone comes to an agreement, nobody is right or wrong. I feel that throughout my life I have encountered many different conflicts. The interesting thing to me is, I have felt that you should pick and chose your situations of conflict depending on the person and the relationship. This way there is less conflict and better communication in the relationship.

An example in my life when I have experienced collaborative conflict was the other day when I was doing my laundry at home. I had been doing laundry for a few hours and wanted to get it all done, considering it was my day off and it was the only time that I had to do it. Well a problem arose, my sister needed to do her laundry as well. She had to have her uniform washed for tomorrow's game. Since I had errands I needed to run I was worried that when I came home my laundry would not be finished because my sister would pull my clothes out of the wash. So I spoke with her and said that she could wait until I was done to my laundry to finish hers. In the meantime if she need her uniform washed she could put it in with my clothes, this way she could get the necessary things washed and I could continue washing mine. She was okay with this and I continued washing my clothes and she even helped to change loads for me when I was doing errands so the process would be faster and she could start her laundry later. We both were happy with the end results.

Competitive conflict is a resolution strategy for a given group or persons where it is a win-lose situation. Not everyone is always happy in this situation because it is more about self-interest, what makes you happy. Someone will always be satisfied and another will be dissatisfied. I feel that this type of strategy is more common that we expect it to be. Many people are most interest in their personal self-interested then having the satisfaction of others and themselves.

I have also experienced many situations like this. You can look at it as a selfless action or look at it in the sense that someone will have to win and the other may lose because you cannot always come to a perfect agreement. I went through this situation last night. My girlfriends and I went out to dinner and had drinks in Campbell. After dinner we tried to decide where we wanted to go. I did not really want to go out considering I had to up really early. My other friends did not really want to drive so they asked me to. I said no because one I did not want to be up late and two I did not want to go where they were going. We ending up just settling for an alternative that not everyone was satisfied with but it worked out in the end. In this situation I won because I got to go do what I wanted and my friends lost because they had to do something different then what they really wanted.

In some situations I agree that the win-lose situation can be the most satisfying if you are on the winning end. But, I do think that there are going to be many times in your life that you will not always be on the winning end. So you do have to make compromises and sacrifices. In a win-win situation everyone is happy and I think that this is the most satisfying for both parties. Everyone is happy and there are no worries about people being disappointed. This cannot always occur but if the win-lose situations can be avoided why not try to satisfy everyone when possible.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 14: Discussion Question #1

1). (Regarding chapter 11) Distinguish among a forum, panel, colloquium, and symposium as a mans for making a public presentation. Which one would you prefer? Why?

In chapter 11 the book defines forum, panel, colloquium, and symposium. First, panel is defined as "a public format in which a group of four to eight experts discusses a problem or decision in front of an audience."(Harris, 220) Second, colloquium is "a form of public discussion in which a group of three to six experts, usually chosen for their divergent views, discuss a problem, following the problem solving format, in front of an audience with a moderator facilitating their interaction." (Harris, 220) Third, is symposium, which "provides a format for a series of two to six brief speeches made on different aspects of a complex and different problem." (Harris, 221) Lastly, forum "provides a small group presentational format in which the group can speak and listen to a larger audience." (Harris, 219)

I think that Harris gave great explanation and detail to these concepts. I got a great sense to what these presentation formats were. Each of these concepts has it own particular way about making decisions, problems solving, facilitating, mentoring, group interaction, and ways of performing a speech. They all signify great qualities on how to present in front of audiences. If I had to choose one that I prefer, I would choose forum. I chose this particular one because I like to keep the audience involved in my speeches. Letting the audience to actually participate and speak on a behalf of what they are listening to keeps then not only involved but interacting as well. In a way it is almost like a mini debate because the audience speaks and then there can be commentary back. The other thing that stood out to me about forum is that is follows well with all of the other concepts discussed above. It sets up a proposal for the other concepts and provides a diverse ideas and perspectives for many to obtain more information and knowledge about the specific topic.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 13: Discussion Question #3

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading, that has not already been discussed during this discussion week, that you found useful or interesting, and discuss it.

The concept that I found most interesting this week was manipulative verbs. The book defines this is “deciding to alter, multiply, eliminate, divide, or transpose, we are using manipulative verbs to change the way we view a particular process.” (Harris, 191)
This was interesting to me being a communication major because it explained to me exactly why and how speaking techniques can change the context of what your saying. Changing verb placement can completely change the context of a sentence or give it a completely different meaning. I think that when many people speak they do not think about the placement of their verbs and this is why so many people have misconceptions in communication.
I think that this is most common in situations like texting, instant messaging, facebook, etc. Since there is a lack of face-to-face communication you have to be particularly careful to the how you word things and the placement of verbs. Many people misunderstand the meaning because they do not have the nonverbal gestures to back up what is being said and how it was meant.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 13: Discussion Question #2

2). Name five cultural barriers to creativity. What do you think these would keep a group from being creative? Have you experienced any of these personally? Explain.

“Cultural Barriers include a requirement for conformity, an expectation of practicality and efficiency, particular arenas for competition or cooperation, and expectation of politeness and following rules for social order, a reliance on statistical proofs, a dependence of generalizations, a trust in the power of reason and logic, a belief I an either/or perspective on issues, and a reliance on expert knowledge.” (Harris, 188)
All of the items listed above are cultural barriers to our creativity. All of these thins could lead a group to disaster if barriers are put up. In many situations when you meet new people and try to form group’s barriers stay present because many do not want to look foolish or incompetent.
I have experienced cultural barriers in a group. I was taking an intercultural communication class and was assigned to do a semester long project on another culture with my group. We chose to do China as our group. Now, one of my group members was very interested in this subject. I had an expectation that this project would go well because she had the background knowledge of this culture. We were wrong she brought in a woman to help us with the project, since she had great expertise in this area. This woman because of her cultural background felt the she could not conform and share her experiences because it was very different from what Americans are exposed to. As well she did not want to cooperate and follow the rules of the assignment because she felt they were unrealistic. She did not have trust in our group that we would be generalize and stereotype her culture. In the end we had to find someone else to help us with the assignment. The first woman chosen set too many barriers for herself considering her culture and this made it impossible for us to be able to share ideas and information.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 13: Discussion Question #1

1). Provide an example of creativity from your own experience. How does it fit with the chapter's discussion of creativity?

In this chapter the section that I felt related most to an experience in my life was emotional barriers. An emotional barrier is when we "go out on a limb" to try something new. And I think that there are many situations in my life where I have taken a risk and gone out on a limb. An example in my life was when I started to date my best friend. We had a great relationship and thought that we should maybe start to date. I brought up the topic to him taking a risk thinking I may be shut down because I did not want it to ruin our friendship. We did decide to start to date and then about two weeks into the relationship we started to grow apart. I was not sure why we started to grow apart, but my feelings were hurt because I felt like I not only had lost a relationship but, I had lost my best friend. I brought it up to him and we both agreed that is was just a little awkward cause we were so used to being just friends. From then on our friendship started to deteriorate and we now do not talk very much at all. It is sad to know I lost a best friend because I went out on a limb to put more feelings and emotion into the relationship and then realized it was a mistake. I was because we put our emotions out there and did not think of what to risks were and now realize it was a foolish mistake and we both looked foolish.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Week 9: Discussion Question #3

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading, that has not already been discussed during this discussion week, that you found useful or interesting, and discuss it.

This week the section in chapter 7 titled Active Listening Response Methods really stood out to me. I think they are all key concepts to actively responding, but the one that really stood out to me was using nonverbal communication. I feel that nonverbal communication at times can actually be more effective than the words that we speak, especially when we are listening. The book states that, “Since more that 50% of all meaning is communicated nonverbally, effective listeners make use of nonverbal gestures. Making eye contact, nodding our heads, and sitting in an attentive manner all indicate that we are interested ad listening, and they encourage the speaker to continue talking.”(Harris, 139) Nonverbal communication is key to understanding the meaning of the words that we speak and the feelings that we want to express to others. When actively listening you do not always have the opportunity to speak a lot. You must depend on nonverbal communication as a listener, in order for your speaker to know you are engaged in the conversation. Someone that does not show any nonverbal then shows the speaker that they have no interest in the conversation. I am verbal and kinesthetic learner and when I am having a conversation with someone else I depend on nonverbal communication to understand how the other person is feeling, as well the meaning behind his or her words spoke. Nonverbal communication speaks much louder to be than verbal communication.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 9: Discussion Question #2

2). Give a personal example where you have had selective attention. Why do you think that is? Is there a way you were able to overcome it?

I can recall many times were I have been a candidate of selective attention. One that stands out to me happened to me a few weeks ago. I was at work and I was helping a customer and finishing his sale at the register. This client was very chatty throughout the whole sale the customer was talking about his personal life and trying to relate every situation to my life. Once I finally got him to the register I was happy to say that I was hoping he would pay and leave, considering her had talked my ear off for the last hour. Well I was wrong the customer kept talking to me for about ten minutes after his sale was finalized. After the customer had left one of my co-workers asked me what was he talking to you about for so long. I thought about it and I did not have an answer for my co-worker. I was not really interested in what the customer had to say, so I tuned out the stuff that I did not care for and did not want to talk about. I chose which aspects of the conversation that I wanted to talk about. I know that it was possibly rude to the customer, but it was completely based on the fact that we did not share a common interest in some topics and I weighed out what I thought was more important than the others.
I think that I chose to do this because one the customer talked a lot and at some point it was too much. As well there were many things that the customer was discussing that I had no interest in. I tuned out the things that were less important and the things that I did not agree on. To a point I felt annoyed and wanted to get out of all conversations with this customer. It was not to be rude, but it was just because I chose to pick and chose what I thought was important to me.
I do think that there are ways to overcome this. I could simply give my full attention to someone that is talking even if I do not agree. This could be a way to see someone else perspective on a topic. I am missing out on the opportunity to see another side of things as well as coming off as rude to another person. Given that everything in our lives is not going to be interesting. At times I am sure that there are things I talk about and people use selective attention because they just are not interested. I should be more open and willing to listen to others. I could miss out on something important that I do not know about because I chose to not listen. This could also lead to very intellectual conversations if I stay involved in the conversation.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 9: Discussion Question #1

1). Think of a recent situation in which you found listening difficult. Which one (or more) of the four phases presented the most difficulty for you? Why? How could this have been overcome?

About a month ago I encountered a situation where listening was difficult for me. I was at work and I noticed that one of my co-workers was helping a couple that was using sign language. Now, I have taken 4 courses in American Sign Language and saw he was struggling so I thought I would try and assist. I walked over and told the couple that I knew sign language. They were excited to know this because they were not finding what they were looking for because they were not understood. Now, I have not brushed up on my sign language in a few years so I was a little slow to understand. I was trying to read all the signs he was giving me but did not understand or I was misunderstanding. The couple was a bit frustrated at first because in American Sign Language you are to be knowledgeable in the proper signing and facial expressions or it is consider rude. I let them know I forgot a lot of signs and I was slow. They were more understanding after I told them this. It did make it very difficult to understand them because I was not up to date on my signing. I did not understand or I was misinterpreting the signs. I also had to ask them to repeat themselves a few times and this is also to be considered very rude. It is like having a conversation with a hearing person and saying “what, can you say that again, I still do not understand, again please.” This can become very repetitive and irritating.
If I had to apply one of the four phases to my situation, I would have to say that evaluating the message context fits the best. During this process I had to form opinions and make judgment on what I thought the messages were. I had to take all the facts being presented and try and put them together to figure out what was being said. Since it was a difficult process because I did not understand some of the messages that were being said I misunderstood and made assumptions about what I thought it was.
A way to overcome this problem would be let the person know in the beginning of the conversation that I am not a fluent and this would avoid frustrations. I also could choose to refresh my skills and possibly become more fluent. And there would be less confusion about the messages being said.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Week 7: Discussion Question #3

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading, that has not already been discussed this week, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

The concept from this weeks reading that I found interesting was body language. Body language is defined as “ Kinesics, the study of body language, consists of the messages we deliver through our physical appearance and by our movements and gestures.” (Harris, 117) Nonverbal communication I feel is one of the most important concepts in communicating with others. Our body language is key to understanding the way that we communicate. I have taken many classes in communication but I think that one that stood out to me the most was my sign language class. In order to communicate with the deaf you have to study and understand the body language of others. The movements and gestures of others help you to understand the meaning of the words. When you are unable to verbal expresses how you feel, we depend on the nonverbal aspects such as body language. This will tell you the true meaning of how someone is feeling. In either the deaf community or in communication with people that can verbally express how they feel. Not only by the things we say but how we look, the facial expression used, and the gestures we give to others. Without these gestures it would be almost in possible to read others and know how they are feeling; we depend on these gestures to understand others. Body gestures help to define the way we communicate and the explanation to how we feel and express ourselves. This impacts the way we communicate and the ways that we respond to others. It could be as simple as the way someone is clothed or the body language they present.

week 7: Discussion Question #2

2). Explain proxemics and chronemics. Are there universal rules for all cultures regarding these concepts? Give personal examples if possible. Give examples of personal experience in other cultures regarding these two concepts.

Proxemics is defined by Harris as “the ways we structure and use and are affected by space constitutes proximity, identified the study of the structuring of personal space-the invisible boundary individuals draw around themselves as proxemics.”
A personal example that helps explains this concept is my own personal boundaries. I am a very accepting and friendly person, but when it comes to personal space I am not as open. I am more distance with people that I am not familiar with. I chose to talk at a distance and no be so close. At time people that you just meet try to be friendly and sit by you and get really close to you when talking and I feel that this is invading my personal space and do not like it. I feel that they can still read my gestures, facial expression, voice, etc without being so close to me. You are able to observe all of this things from a distance and do not need to be so close. Once you get to know me and I become comfortable with you the space may be closer. But, I set my own personal boundaries to what is comfortable for me.
The concept of chronemics is defined by Harris as “the study of use of time.” I agree with what the book explained that as a Western culture we do live in a clock-based time and organize our lives by time. We chose to live our lives using a time frame for everything. Some examples in my life are the idea that I wake myself up everyday at a certain time to get ready for school. Then I know I will be in school for a specific amount of time, and then I give myself a time frame to how much time I have to go to the gym and shower before work. Once I have done all this I figure out what time I will be out of work and how much time it will take me to do my homework, so I have enough sleep to function for the next day. It is important to be able to manage all these things so that I am on time for all the important events. It is important to manage your time so that you can make enough time to meet all the expectations of your life. By being on time and making time for the things you feel are important in life it shows a strong sense of nonverbal behavior. Even though it may not be realized nonverbal communication is provided in every aspect of life. And such things as being on time, or managing your time well show a great emphasis of the person you are.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 7: Discussion Question #1

1). Return to the eight principles of nonverbal communication. Pick two principles, and provide new examples of how they operate in a group or team.

One principle of nonverbal communication is explained as “the things we notice, or our perceptions of nonverbal cues, leading to meaning.”(Harris, 115) To further explain this concept, this concept shows that nonverbal cues and perceptions can be read without words being spoken. A good example of this is students in a classroom. When a teacher is lecturing a class the teacher can tell the interest levels of the students nonverbal cues. Such as a student may be giving full eye contact, nodding, and occasionally looking down to take notes. The teacher reads these nonverbal cues, as the student is intrigued and interested in the lecture. Where as another student could be looking down, texting, sleeping, or sloughing could show boredom. The teacher could read the students nonverbal cues as the student not being interested, bored, tired, or apathetic about the lecture. We are able to read nonverbal cues of others facial expressions, body language, posture, distance, and touch. And by observing all of these nonverbal cues we are able to get a general idea of how an individual is feeling, the mood they are in, or how they may perceive a given situation. Nonverbal cues are simply reading a person without using words.

A second principle of nonverbal communication is “when what we do and what we say are inconsistent, nonverbal communication is more likely to be believed.” (Harris, 114) This principle is the idea that “actions speak louder than words.” An example of this situation is a group of student’s working together on a project for class. Everyone in this group communicates what their role is and the tasks that they need to complete. Unfortunately, one student decides that they want to slack off and not choose to their part of the project, but continues to tell the group that the work will get done and his portion with meet the group expectations. In this situation the one group member reiterates to his peers that his portion will be completed, but his actions show otherwise. Even though verbally the group was told about the completion of this students’ portion, he chose to not follow his words and his actions showed he was not committed. In other words when your actions and words do not match up, people are more likely to believe your actions rather than your words.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 4: Discussion Question #3

3). Pick one concept from either text, not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

The concept that I found to be interesting this week was the concept of Ethical Behavior. In the text is defines Ethical Behavior, as “A proactive approach to diversity requires a careful adherence to ethical behaviors that guide our judgments about ‘whether actions are right or wrong and outcomes are good or bad’. I really enjoyed this concept not only because it was simple and to the point, but also because it gave examples of diverse groups in a table. (Figure 5.1 p.98)

This is a structured based concept that helps guide to understand the right and wrong behaviors or groups or individuals. It assists us to follow a table of positive and negative behaviors. I found this table helpful because it is demonstrated right and wrong in black and white context. In addition, I also found this a bit puzzling. I did not understand how a table could arrange all negative and positive behaviors. I would assume that yes some can be place one or the other, but I do not think that everything is neither black nor white. Some behaviors may be placed in the grey area. I think that this demonstrates a good structure to how behaviors are explained in groups, but I do think that it is a little bias by saying all actions and behaviors are either black or white, or positive or negative.

Week 4: Discussion Question #2

2). Explain the concept "white men of privilege". Do you agree with the concept? Why or why not?

After reading the text I felt that Harris explained “white me privilege” as “social, economic, and political power in this country has long resided with upper-class and upper-middle-class white European males of wealth and privilege.” (96)

It is hard to say if I agree or disagree completely with this concept. I think that in the United States over a period of time we have changes our ways. I feel that today’s society is much more diverse and gives the opportunity for other races to have the same social, economic, and political status. A great example of this is our current President Obama. I also think that in today’s social you do still seem some hierarchies of power with upper-class to middle-class white men. Some companies still do choose to give the opportunities of success to only these white men. I think over time though that we will see less of this “white power privilege” because our society will be more accepting and have a more diverse look at what is acceptable.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 4: Discussion Question #1

1). Are you, or have you ever been a member of a group that has been stereotyped? Does your experience reflect the concepts identified in this chapter? How? Are there differences? What are they?

Yes, in past experiences a group of friends and myself were stereotyped. My most memorable experiences of being stereotyped in a group was when I was in high school. My group of girlfriends and I always seemed to stick together because not many other girls “liked” us. When I mentioned the word like, I say this because many girls seemed to be not being fond of us. Because we were all able to get along with each other well and hang out with the popular group of boys, we were envied. We were stereotyped as the pretty rich white girls. Many others did not like that we were able to get along with everyone and hang out with all the popular people. So we were generalized and stereotyped to something that we were not. People made assumptions about us that we were stuck up and rude, when we were not. The language use of others was hurtful and rude. We were called many names because of the relationships we had with others and social environment we were in. Nonverbal communication was a key factor for us during this time. Not many people had the intent of telling us how they really felt about us, but by many of the nonverbal gestures like facial expressions and the habits of the ways they stared. This experience reflects some of the concepts used in this chapter as I have examined about. There is not much difference in the context of the terms. I tried to use concepts from the book that reflect my experience specifically. One I did not mention could have been a cultural or diverse difference. Some of the people may not have liked us for who we were because we were popular or because we were white. Even though nothing was ever mentioned to us, this also could have been a reason we were stereotyped. Stereotyping is a concept that we used because we do not like someone or we judge him or her on the outside because of what they look like. If the other girls would of given themselves the chance to get to know us, they would of found out that my girlfriends and I were really nice and fun girls. We were not the stuck, rich white girls they thought we were.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

week 3: Discussion Question #1

1). Are there group norms at SJSU? What are they? In the group of individuals that you spend time with, are there group norms? What are they? In both cases, how did you identify these norms? How did you adapt to these norms?

This being my second semester at SJSU I feel that I have adapted to some of the norms. The classroom environment was different than I am used to. I feel that classmates for groups to help each other throughout the semester. The norms for these groups that are formed in class are the closeness and support of each other. I feel all of us are there to succeed and help each other out. There is written rules to what we expect of each other and what we expect of our group as a whole. We write out what we want to complete and how we will complete these tasks. As a group we all cooperate to get the job done. I feel that there hasn’t been an experience I have encountered where we all didn’t get along or we didn’t get along. I had made many news friends from these experiences. I didn’t realize what these norms were until I noticed many of the groups working in the same way. Also after reading the chapter on norms I found myself thinking and telling myself “Oh yes, I recall this happening to my group and myself”. I have become adapted to these norms because in order to work well together in a group you have to have good communication and be willing to all put your part in. You all have to have the idea of success in mind.

Week 3: Discussion Question #2

2). What are the functions of norms in groups? Can you give a personal example not already discussed this week? Have you ever experienced a violation of a norm? Explain.

Group norms have rules of behavior that serve as a basis of functions that help develop the group. The way that I see it as is like a guide to navigate the members together to form the norms of the group. These functions are: shared values, procedures, and beliefs that will assist the members of the group with their communication and actions with one another. Depending on the situation and the group members present the norms can change.

An example where I have experienced violation of a group norm was a few years ago when I worked for Victoria Secret. In a work environment you expect everyone to work as a team and act professional while on the job. When I was first hired everything seemed to be going the way it should of. After being at the job for a year now, I was asking to be in charge of the shrink department. For those who do not know what “shrink” is, it is loss prevention for the store. Furthermore, I accepted the title and was working with a particular manager name Lisa. Now, Lisa and I were a great team and worked well together. Until, about four months after taking the title I then realized that Lisa was contributing to the store’s inside loss prevention. At this time she had violated to norms of our group. We had all worked so hard to keep the numbers low and not steal from the company. I had no other choice but to turn her in to the store manager because now she was violating the store policy and had to be let go. It was the right thing to do and myself and many of my co-workers felt as if she had violated our friendships and betrayed many of us because of her actions.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 3: Discussion Question #3

3). Pick one concept from either text, not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

The concept in the reading that really jumped out at me was the concept roles. At first I found myself a bit confused when looking over the text because I figured that norms and roles were the same exact thing. Once I read over the text in further detail I realized that the concept of norms and roles is very similar, but not the same. Roles specifically related to the way that you are expected to act in a group. This was interesting because Hare stated that it is the position and status of the member in the group. These members are not only expected to perform consciously, but also expected to perform informal roles as well. All of these actions can be preformed in the presence and interaction with the group. I thought that the book had a great example to clarify the difference of norms and roles. This example was “ While norms direct the behavior of the group, roles apply to particular individual’s behavior: ‘Roles are packages of norms that apply to particular group members’” (50) After reading this concept I felt that I had a clearer image to what was the exact difference between norms and roles.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Week 2: Discussion Question #3

*3). Pick one concept from the reading assignment this week (Ch.2) that you found interesting or useful and discuss it. Please discuss a concept that has not already been discussed this week so far.

The concept from chapter two that I found interesting was openness. Openness is described, as “all living organisms must be open to their environment; referring to the energy import activities of the system, which it needs to stay in the same place”(31).
This concept really stood out to me because I feel that in a small group environment this factor is key. You need to be able to be receptive to the people and the environment around you but also be will to be open. Input in a small group is key to finding out what is needed in the group as well as what does not work well. If openness does not exist in a group then the group would deteriorate because nothing would ever be effective. A great example was stated in the book that just like the human body needs to be nourished, feed with food water and air. A group also needs the same type of nourishment with openness. There are some instances where you need to give the input needed and filter what is not needed, but also be receptive to what is needed for others. To have a successful group environment this is one of the key factors that need to be considered and looked at.

Week 1: Discussion Question #2

*2). Explain how entropy and equifinality impact small groups.

The concept of entropy was described as being disorganized, stagnation, and chaotic and the concept equifinality was described as a living systems which will continue to take different courses and end up at the same location.
Both of these two concepts can affect the way that a small group interacts. First entropy can ruin a small group. If you are not all leading toward the same focus it can break apart the group and the group will become disorganized. If there is too much information being distributed throughout the group then it can be an overload and lead to chaos. Furthermore, there can be too much openness, not enough of use of feedback between a small group and this can also cause disorganization and chaos. An example on how this could happen could be in a situation of a sports team. If they are not communicating to each other during the game or possible communicating too much it could be setting them up for failure. They could not run some of the plays right because they did not communicate properly or they could completely lose the game because they gave up their plays to the other team by being too open.
Lastly, equifinality can be beneficial for a small group. Where many people in the group many be focusing on different things but, they are all working toward success. This is very helpful because as a “team” they can work together to achieve success. On a sports team everyone has a different position or role that they have to play but in the end everyone does their part to play their role to win the game and achieve success.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 1: Discussion Question #1

*1). Groups are living systems based on interdependence and interrelationships. What happens to a small group when parts of the system do not function well? Provide two examples from your own small group experiences that show the importance of understanding interdependence and interrelationships.

The first experience in my life where interdependence and interrelationships show importance is my family. In my family we are close and seem to work together as a team. We become dependent on each other to do many things. My parents expect me to do chores around the house, or help with dinner, being their physically and emotionally, helping each other solve problems, or work together to come up with best solutions possible. It is important to understand these concepts between families because as a family you work as a “team”. You have to always help each other with communicating strategy or striving for a goal that works for everyone.

The second experience in my life that shows examples of these concepts would be my co-workers. We all have to grasp the concept of being able to work with each other. We have to work together to be able to not only satisfy customers but also to satisfy our needs as employees. Assisting each other and working together as a team is the only way to make our environment work. We do come across conflict and do have to come to a common solution. Also depending on each other to help out on a sale, or help another customer. We could not work alone and be able to be successful. It is a team effort and these relationships and dependency are necessary to make the business successful.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hello all,

I am Mallory Walker and this is my second semester at SJSU. I transfer from West Valley College with my AA in Communication Studies. I am a Comm. major with a minor in Public Relations. I have taken many Communication classes at West Valley as well I have taken and am currently taking Communication classes here at SJSU. I love to interact and communicate with people and find it very interesting to learn more about what Communication is all about.

A little about me. I am 22 years old and will be graduating from SJSU next spring which I am excited about. For hobbies and interests, well I do not really have much time to take up many hobbies since I work full-time and go to school full-time. I am a huge sports fan though. And as much free time I get I try to occupy that time watching sports or attending events. I also participate in fantasy sports which I enjoy. When I get the chance to have down time, I enjoy hanging out with my friend, going to the gym, and on occasion going the the movies.

I do not have any experience with an online class at SJSU. I previously took online classes at West Valley and enjoyed them. The system that has been set up for SJSU is very different than what I am used to. I must say that I am a bit lost and confused when I comes to the ways that the online class operating systems work. So, please be patient with me if I tend to ask a lot of questions. It may take a few weeks to get used to something different.